Conociendo los diferentes tipos de presentaciones en NACW

Durante más de dos décadas, NACW ha brindado a los profesionales del clima acceso a la información más reciente y actualizaciones sobre los mercados de carbono y la política climática. Hay dos formas de aprender y compartir contenido: talleres y sesiones.

Day 1: Workshops
All workshops are scheduled for the first day of the conference. They may feature different formats and be hosted by organizations besides the Climate Action Reserve. At NACW 2025, registered attendees may attend any workshops that are included in the NACW program. Please note that registration is for the full conference.

Days 2 & 3: Plenary sessions and breakout sessions
Sessions include plenary sessions and breakout sessions, and all take place on the second and third days of the conference. Breakout sessions are designed as interactive discussions among a group of panelists with a moderator leading the discussion. Breakout sessions fall under one of four different paths. All sessions are hosted by the Climate Action Reserve and are included in the NACW program.

The NACW 2025 program is pending. Below is the NACW 2024 program.

Imperial B
Imperial A
Gran A
franciscano d
franciscano c
franciscano b
franciscano a
Imperial B
Imperial A
Gran B
Gran A
Imperial B
Imperial A
Gran B
Gran A